Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Afghan - Connections in Odd Places

Of all the places to begin thinking again about how all things are connected, I started thinking about it when I was crocheting an afghan.  This afghan has been in the process of being created for years now.  However, as with most projects of a creative nature that I start it was not until I was able to assign an owner to the end product that I really began to make some serious progress.  The interesting thing about crocheting of course is that it takes a long time and it gives your mind time to wonder ... I mean focus.  As the afghan's new owner was revealed to me, my dear husband, it also made me think of why it was important to me to finish this project and it also made me think about the eventual owner of the afghan.
Every single stitch that you make with the yarn connects the next stitch together.  It isn't until all the yarn is connected that you have a finished product.  I thought that perhaps I saw a link in this thought to a comment my dear husband made as I was being philosophical the other day while crocheting, "Life is like a journey, and the destination is death."  Wow, that seemed so fatalistic for such a positive man.  But, alas it was not.  You see my dear husband, the King of Awesome, is not a fatalist but a realist.  So I began to dissect what this meant when said by a realist or literalistic instead of a fatalist.  The fact is, he is right.  Life is not like all the little craft projects and jobs and other things that we do that need to have a beginning, middle, and end.  Life is so much more.  It is this journey that you go on that you do not want to finish first or finish fastest or even give away to someone else.  Hum?
So, it seems that with life too I have to finally claim an owner of mine just like I revealed the owner of the afghan.  You see, until I find a owner for something it seems that I am not able to find the value in it.  You all think this is silly don't you?  Of course you own your own life.  Well, I say nah.  You all do not, as I did not, feel you own or have control over your own life.  If you do not have a purpose for a thing then you do not claim ownership of that thing.  If you do not claim ownership of that thing, then you let is sit, or you forget about it, or you do not value it as you might other things that have owners.  What do you think?


  1. I think your husband is a genius :)

  2. First, props to the genius husband. What a lucky woman you are!

    You make an excellent point. I think women, particularly, tend to forget that... beyond...? In addition to...? To be better at? ...serving those we love and those we work with, we ignore and mis-identify our own wants and needs with great regularity. We so quickly and easily "stash" the parts of us that aren't critical in serving others and taking care of all those around us. To stretch your metaphor a bit farther, maybe that would mean: we drop stitches and don't control the yarn tension, yielding a blanket that still warms, but that could be made even more functional by giving those extra bits of attention to ourselves that we really do need. Maybe that means making more time for prayer, or sleep, or basic self-care, or exercise... all of which make us more whole, and therefore more effective care-givers (moms, wives, etc.) and professionals. :) Wonderful food-for-thought post!

  3. I love this! Your gift for prose puts me in awe. I can say nothing more than I AGREE!
