Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time as Money - How Do You Spend It?

Good day Royal Subjects!

If you take a moment to think, as I discussed before, about our life as a journey and our destination as death ... then we begin to think more about what the value is of the time that we have left in our journey.  I have decided to quantify the cost of my time to begin to see how much time currency I am wasting.  So, at 33 years old I am going to say my time costs $1 a minute.  (I am valuable after all!)  So my day is worth $1,440!  (I told you I was royalty!)

If my day is worth $1,440 and I spent 15 minutes complaining about it to someone then I have just wasted $15 and 15 minutes of the time I have left in my journey towards death.  So, I think that I will be more careful with my currency from now on.  This little game I am playing with myself does indeed link to my purpose of life, to be an ambassador of healthy connectedness.  How you might ask?

Well, I had to make a choice today on whether or not I wanted to attend this meeting that I have committed to attending.  I committed to attending this meeting nearly two months ago.  It was so important for me to attend this meeting that I even rescheduled a doctor's appointment for my dear son and moved several things around on my calender, including coming back from out of town early to attend the meeting.  Then I woke up this morning feeling tired and lethargic and just plain, well grumpy.  I immediately had in my head that I did not want to fight downtown traffic to try to get to this meeting because I hate driving downtown and I don't want to and I don't have to and whine whine whine.  You know what I mean, we have all had this discussion in our heads about something.

Well, this meeting is with MATC to help them define the curriculum for the Health IT grant that they obtained.  It is a big deal in my field and to my colleges and to my friends.  It is also a chance to really ensure that we connect with the HIT workers of the future and ensure that they are trained well and on the right things.  So the cost of this meeting in time to me is about $120 or 2 hours.  I am positive that the benefit to the local community, the chance to connect with my coworkers, friends, and colleges as well as the benefits that the final product will have for the students is well worth $120.  You know what, I spent 3 hours or $180 trying to convince myself that I didn't have to go.  WHAT!  Yes, my friends until I tied this little meeting back to my purpose in life (an ambassador of healthy connectedness) I was going to probably spend that $120 worth of time that I would have been at the meeting also convincing myself that I didn't need to go.  Overall, I would have wasted $300 of time complaining and the end result would not have been healthy, it would not have connected anyone, and it would have kept me in the funk that I found myself in when I got up this morning.

So, the lesson learned here?  Look at what you are spending you time on.  Make your time really be a dollar amount as it somehow has more weight then vs when it is just time.  Look at the decision you are trying to make in terms of the money it will cost in time and in how that decision does or does not link to your purpose in life.  You might find that making decisions (the right decisions) is a little easier!

Love Your Queen of Connect,
Ms. Jackie


  1. So, can I take your brilliance a step further and tell my children that all their whining and bickering isn't only a waste of my time, but I should be charging them cold, hard cash, too?? LOL

  2. You crack me up! I say yes! Set a 'fake money' reward system for them. They get this 'fake money' for getting caught treating each other well. Then they get 'charged' for whining and bickering. The fake money can be traded in for a specific toy or thing that you 'PRE SHOP' for. You take a picture of the thing and post it in their room. They collect the fake money to get the real thing ... so they will see what good behavior does and what bad does directly to their little dream and pocket. You pick the denomination of the money. I think we forget that we have to reward for behavior just like we might for chores. In our desperate attempts to keep a clean home we forget that their little souls and their personalities are getting formed too (or at least I do). Good Luck dear one!
