Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Queen of Connect

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Introduction to the Queen -

Where did the idea for the Queen of Connect come from? It came from the Goddess Jacqueline Gates. Check her out if you have interest at Jacqueline challenges us to give ourselves a title and to define for ourselves a purpose in life. Jacqueline's purpose in life is to leave it a better place. Of course, it would have been really easy to just steal her purpose. It is an admirable purpose. However, I figured that I should really think about it for a minute and see if I could find what my purpose is in life.

Now for those of you that know me, you all now that I am a wife, mother, and I have a job. Of course part of my purpose is to be a good wife, a good mother, and do a good job for my employer. However, there was more behind Jacqueline's question. She was asking about our personal overriding purpose. the purpose that drives us to be good mothers, good wives, and good workers. That question was much bigger, but also much simpler. So, I decided to put some real thought to the whole idea and see if I could really put some words around what I thought my purpose in life is.

That is when the idea of being an "Ambassador of Healthy Connectedness" came to mind. It seems so simple at first glance, but really it was so deep and so complex. As a mother, my job is to help my dear children connect to me, their siblings, and the rest of society in a healthy and safe way. As a wife, my job is to connect with my dear husband and to make our home healthy and feel like home. As a worker, my job is to literally connect different parts of the system and different people together to develop an interconnected product. Of course these are all high level summary descriptions, but there was also the connection to the earth, the connection to god, the connection to family and friends, and the connection to the universe that came to mind.

Once the purpose in my life was really revealed to me, it became simple to give myself a title, and a little fun too! I was not a Goddess, as Ms. Jacqueline describes herself. I was however a Queen. Then if I was a Queen, my dear daughter was a Princess and my son was a Prince and my husband is the King. My four year old daughter really loved being a Princess and yes, I must say that I really don't mind being a Queen either. So, this blog might be all about my new journey into understanding who I am as the Queen. This blog might also fall by the wayside as many of my other ideas have gone by the wayside. However, at the end of the night today I feel good because I announced my royal status to the world and I intend to continue to be queen.

Love Your Queen of Connect,
Ms. Jackie


  1. This is so inspiring. Welcome to the world of personal branding, from just me, Nicole Rushin. If we can gain our authenticity from giving ourselves titles then so be it. The imagery gives us props and propels us to take the power stance in our lives. Success & Wellness to you.

  2. Hello Dear Nicole. So glad you could join our kingdom. I hope you find inspiration and insight or whatever it is that you might need in your life. I would only say that you are not "just me" but you are "the great Nicole Rushin". I hope that we talk again and often. Again, welcome!
