Wednesday, July 7, 2010

30 Day Challenge My Butt

Dear Royal Subjects -
So, I did not really make a commitment it seems to myself to really blog for 30 days.  I think perhaps I need to start over or perhaps it isn't something that I need to do to move forward in my life.  "I hope one day to achieve enough of what the world calls success so that if someone asks me how I did it I will tell them, ‘I get up more times than I fall.’” Paul Harvey.  I think perhaps I need to get up and try again or try something new.  It is great to have a life that allows me to have the chance to get up and start over.

I have been reading "The Speed of Trust" by Stephen M R Covey.  He says to really be trusted that you need to start making and keeping commitments to yourself.  So, instead of blogging every day for 30 days, I am going to commit to myself to reading for 30 minutes a day on improving my craft.  This will help me do two things, 1) make and keep a commitment to myself and 2) improve my competence in my skill set.  So, I may not need to make the same challenge as the Goddess, but I do need to learn to make and keep commitments to myself.

Thanks for listening my dear subjects,
Queen Jackie

P.S. I challenge you to pick on commitment that you want to keep to yourself!  Let me know what it is so you are not just accountable to yourself, but to someone else as well!


  1. Her Royal Highness: I think your challenge to yourself sounds excellent. I look forward to hearing about which books you read to improve your craft. One book I have found extremely helpful in writing is called "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott. In fact, I think I'll dig my copy out! When I determine my own 30-day challenge, I'll publish mine on :)

  2. My dear funny and wonderful friend! I am so happy to reconnect with you yet again. I enjoy and have enjoyed your wonderful blog since you started it. I find as a mother I am able to relate to you so much and learn so much. I love having known you as a coworker and as a person. I am often inspired and amused by your wit and humor. I have seen you have chosen a challenge, and I know that you will succeed!
